The Imdexes
The new indexes are our way of simplifying data for buyers to make more accurate buying decisions. Each index has 24 traits that are weighted to suit the different environments and production systems used across all states of Australia.
The emphasis varies in the areas of Growth, Carcass & Wool while Mumblebone’s industry leading Reproduction & Welfare traits remain consistent across all indexes.
Mumblebone Imdex
This imdex reflects the trait emphasis that has built what is now known as the Mumblebone Merino
– Ideal for the modern breeder looking to combine trait leading Growth & Carcass combined with Fleece Weight at a staple length to facilitate 6-month shearing.
Key Benefits of the Mumblebone Imdex for a Modern Merino Breeder
- Combines trait-leading Growth and Carcass quality
- Optimizes Fleece Weight for 6-month shearing
- Maintains ideal Staple Length for frequent shearing cycles
- Supports robust and balanced merino development
- Enhances overall herd productivity and profitability
- Reflects the proven traits that define Mumblebone Merinos
- Ideal for breeders focused on modern and efficient wool production
Carcass Plus Imdex
This Imdex suits growers in areas of high VM (vegetable matter) as well as those Composite breeders looking to increase the fleece value of their flock.
Perfect for wether lamb turnoff & ewe lamb joinings – High emphasis on Fat, Muscle & IMF, with no selection pressure on staple length.
Benefits of the Mumblebone Carcass Plus Imdex for Superior Meat Production
- Maximizes lean meat yield for higher market returns
- Enhances Carcass quality with optimal muscle distribution
- Focuses on growth rates for quicker market readiness
- Improves dressing percentage for better profitability
- Reduces fat deposition for leaner, premium cuts
- Supports balanced growth without compromising wool quality
- Ideal for breeders targeting both meat and wool production
Wool Plus Imdex
This index suits growers looking to increase wool production in an annual shearing program – Increased emphasis on Fleece Weight & Micron at an average Staple Length while maintaining above average Growth & Carcass.
Advantages of the Mumblebone Wool Imdex for Enhanced Wool Production
- Increased wool production in an annual shearing program
- Greater emphasis on Fleece Weight
- Improved Micron at an average Staple Length
- Maintains above-average Growth rates
- Maintains above-average Carcass quality
- Optimizes wool quality and quantity
- Balances wool production with animal health
Since our first joining a decade ago we’ve seen a near doubling in weaning rate. Not only do we now have more lambs, they grow faster and produce a more marketable wool clip.
We’ve run Mumblebone genetics from the rangelands to the Great Dividing Range and these sheep have outperformed other genetics, and breeds, in every environment.
Bellevue Pastoral Enterprises, Tottenham NSW